Welcome to the Den
MMA Classes
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes
Muay Thai Classes
Cardio Kickboxing Classes
Wrestling Classes
Boxing Classes
Established in 2018

- Amy Hemsouvanh-Morriston 5/18/2024
"I've been a proud member of Lycan’s Den MMA since April 2023, after relocating back to the Champaign-Urbana area from Florida. In my search for a martial arts facility that offered a diverse range of styles and a welcoming culture, Lycan’s Den MMA stood out as the perfect fit. From the moment I stepped in, I was impressed by the inclusive and supportive environment. Cassie and James are exceptional owners/instructors who bring a wealth of knowledge and passion to each class. Their dedication to their craft and their students is evident in the high-quality instruction and personalized attention they provide. The variety of classes offered at Lycan’s Den MMA is fantastic, catering to all skill levels and interests. Whether you're looking to improve your striking, grappling, or overall fitness, there's something for everyone. The sense of camaraderie among the members is truly special, making each training session not only a great workout but also an enjoyable experience. Having explored other martial arts facilities in the area, I can confidently say that Lycan’s Den MMA offers the best combination of skilled instructors, diverse training options, and a positive community atmosphere. I'm grateful to have found such an outstanding gym and highly recommend it to anyone looking to train in martial arts."